Saturday, 25 June 2016

Marie Curie individual fellowship application text

Back in 2014 I applied for a Marie Curie fellowship. This was towards the end of my postdoc at Oxford, and then I got my current position at Standard Chartered before I heard back from the European Commission on the results of the Marie Curie. It was accepted with a score of 96%, which is something I'm very proud of, and also very thankful to everyone who helped me prepare the submission.
However, it is now clear that I will not be taking that position, as I am settled in London and at Standard Chartered. I still quite like the proposal, though, and, when writing it, I remember having wanted to see examples of successful Marie Curie proposals to have an idea of what they would look like. As such, I'm making the text of my own Marie Curie fellowship application available online. I hope this can help others to write successful applications, and maybe some of its ideas can be taken on by other researchers. Feel free to adapt any of the ideas in the proposal (but please give credit when it is due, and remember that the European Commission uses plagiarism detection software). It's available on my website, and linked below. I made the LaTeX template for the application available before.

José Pedro Magalhães. Models of Structure in Music (MoStMusic). Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship application, 2014.


  1. Hi Jose, thanks a lot for posting a successful proposal. I am preparing MSCA proposal and very interested to see examples like yours. Very generous of you!

  2. Very generous José Pedro! Thank you!

  3. Thank you for the proposal! How did you make Gantt chart?

    1. The template is here:

  4. Thanks. But there is no sample of Gant chart.

    1. Yes there is; it uses the package pgfgantt. The chart itself begins where it says \begin{ganttchart}.

  5. Which program did you use for your Gantt chart? It looks very nice.

  6. Hey José, currently I am preparing a MSCA applciation and I use your proposal as reference. I should thank you for publishing it online. It is very useful ! Thanks very much !

  7. Hi Jose, Thanks for you kind help.
